What People Say About Us
STUDENT's Rating
EDBI (Entrepreneurs Development & Business Institute) training provide the opportunity to people to build their own Cafe, Snacks center and hotel business in very effective way. Food business is one of the fastest growing business in Maharashtra and India. Everyone must attend this training workshop. They train everyone with very professionally. They teach whole Menu step by step practically along with the Printed NOTES. 👌👍
I really loved this session, I had Opened my own Cafe in Mumbai with the guidance of this training workshop. I will recommend everyone to must visit and attend this workshop as it's fees is very nominal WRT the knowledge we get. Start your own Cafe, Hotel or any small Snacks Center business with the help of EDBI.

मी या संस्थेतुन ट्रेनिग घेतल होत तीन दिवसाच मला सागायला खुप आवडेल की ट्रेनिग खुप छान झाल मला पर्सनल प्रॉबलेम पण होते पण दोन्ही सराच्या मदती ने मी ट्रेनिग पुर्ण केल खुप काही नव्याने नविन पद्धति ने शिकायला भेटल या संस्थेतुन मला स्वताच कँफे चालु करायच स्वताच अस्तिव निर्माण करण्याची संधी भेटली खुप छान ट्रेनिग सर tq so much Priteishसर & शेफ सर

Entrepreneurs Development & Business Institute offers a fantastic program! Their in-depth training covers a wide range of cafe menus and provides valuable insights into business administration and cafe setup. With knowledgeable instructors and practical hands-on learning, it's the perfect place to gain the skills needed for a successful venture in the food industry.
I highly recommend their courses to anyone passionate about the cafe business.

I had an exceptional experience at the Entrepreneurs Development & Business Institute! Their comprehensive training on diverse cafe menus and in-depth guidance on business administration and cafe setup exceeded my expectations. The knowledgeable instructors and practical approach have equipped me with invaluable skills to excel in the food industry.
Highly recommended for anyone aspiring to thrive in the cafe business!

"उद्योजक विकास आणि व्यवसाय केंद्र" ही एक उल्लेखनीय संस्था आहे जी खाद्य उद्योग, कॅफे आणि हॉटेल व्यवस्थापन क्षेत्रात व्यापक प्रशिक्षण देते. संस्थेच्या विविध अभ्यासक्रमांमध्ये कॅफे, हॉटेल, restaurant इ. मध्ये लागणारे मेनू प्रोफेशनली शिकवणे आणि व्यवसाय व्यवस्थापन यासारख्या आवश्यक बाबींचा समावेश होतो. अनुभवी प्रशिक्षकांसह, शिकण्याचा अनुभव आकर्षक आणि माहितीपूर्ण बनतो. तुम्ही उद्योगात नवीन असाल किंवा तुमची कौशल्ये सुधारण्याचे ध्येय असले तरीही, ही संस्था तुम्हाला F&B सेक्टर संबंधित व्यवसायांच्या गतिमान जगात यशस्वी होण्यासाठी मौल्यवान ज्ञानाने सुसज्ज करते.